2025 11th International Conference on Energy Materials and Environmental Engineering (ICEMEE 2025)
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Prof. Hongquan Song

DeputyDirector of Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of AirPollution

    PreventionandControland EcologicalSecurity

Henan University, China


Dr. Hongquan Song is a professor at Henan University and the Deputy Director of the Henan Key Laboratory of Air Pollution Prevention and Ecological Security. Professor Song's research focuses on Earth system processes and global change, where he utilizes GIS, remote sensing, and Earth system models to quantify the interactions between air pollution, climate change, and ecosystems under human influence. His work provides scientific and technical support for environmental protection and resource management. Dr. Song serves on the editorial boards of Geography and Environmental Sustainability and Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology. He leads multiple research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Henan Provincial Outstanding Youth Foundation, with research funding totaling over 2 million RMB. He has published more than 100 research papers with an H-index of 26 and over 1,900 citations. His contributions have been recognized with awards such as the Hebei Province Natural Science Award (2023) and the Henan Youth Geography Science and Technology Award (2020).



Prof. Jeyraj Selvaraj

Member of IEEE, IEM

University Malaya, Malaysia


Professor Ts. Dr. Jeyraj Selvaraj received the B.Eng. (Hons.) degree from Multimedia University, Malaysia, in 2002, the M.Sc. degree in power electronics and drives jointly from the University of Birmingham, Birmingham and the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K., in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2009. He is currently a professor and deputy executive director of University Malaya Power Energy Dedicated Advanced Centre (UMPEDAC), University of Malaya. He is also a member of IEEE, IEM and a member of working group committee on Photovoltaic Standards of Department of Standards Malaysia. With the experience in solar energy fields more than 15 years, he has monitored more than 75 onsite inverter tests under the FiT, LSS and NEM scheme in Malaysia and published more than 70 high impact journals, 50 conference papers and 4 book chapters. He is one of the recipients of NAM research training fellowship for young scientist and Royal Academy Engineering UK’s Leaders in Innovation Fellowship in 2016 and 2017 respectively. In 2019 he was awarded the Erasmus+ Mobility Programme Fellowship followed by Asian Universities Alliance Scholarship in 2020.



Assoc. Prof. George N. Zaimes

The Director of GERi lab (Geomorphology, Edaphology and Riparian Areas

Democritus University of Thrace, Greece


George N. Zaimes is a Professor at the Dept. of Natural Environment and Climate Resilience, Democritus University of Thrace, GREECE. Currently he is the Director of GERi lab (Geomorphology, Edaphology and Riparian Areas) and the Deputy Director of the UNESCO CHAIR Con-E-Ect on the Conservation and Ecotourism of Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystems. George has been teaching courses regarding water issues since 2000, in the US, Greece, Germany, Spain and Jordan. He research focuses on nature-based solutions and utilizing of innovative technologies to manage water resources sustainably. He has received many grants since 2000 from National (Greece and USA) and international funding programs (EU). He has been the project manager in several ERASMUS projects such as MEST, ECOMED, and WaSec. The WaSec project was considered a “Best project” for environmental management by ERASMUS and dealt with sustainable water management in the Mediterranean. He is the author of book chapters & numerous publications in journals and conf. proceedings (>150).


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Assoc. Prof. Xiaosheng Qin

Member, American Geophysical Union (2016)

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Dr. Xiaosheng Qin is currently an Associate Professor with School of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Hunan University, China, and PhD degree from University of Regina, Canada. Dr. Qin mainly teaches Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering at both undergraduate and graduate levels. His research interests focus mainly on the topics of water resource systems modelling and urban environmental resources management. Dr. Qin has served as local panel of experts on climate modeling sponsored by BCA from 2011 to 2014 and worked (as PI or Co-PI) on many research projects supported by Singapore governmental agencies such as MND, BCA, MOE, JTC, NParks, EOS, and EWI. Dr. Qin is currently the Associate Editors for Journal of Environmental Informatics and Water Science and Technology, and serves (or served) as board members, and guest editors for 7 international journals. Dr. Qin was invited as reviewers for over 50 scientific journals and produced over 180 scientific publications (peer-reviewed journal & conference papers) with the latest total google citations at 5356 and H-index at 43. Dr. Qin’s name was featured in World’s Top 2% Scientists since 2022 by Stanford University.



Assoc. Prof. Rongkui Su

Central South University of Forestry and Technology, China


Assoc. Prof. Rongkui Su has engaged in research on environmental functional materials for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, as well as the resource utilization of agricultural and forestry waste. He has led 10 national and provincial research projects, including the Youth Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the General Program of the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. published 30 SCI papers as the first author or corresponding author in prominent academic journals, including 2 papers in Nature-indexed journals, 4 ESI Highly Cited Papers, and 1 Hot Paper. He is the reviewer for internationally renowned journals such as Chemical Communications and Chemical Engineering Journal, and young editorial board member for Rare Metals, Petroleum Refining and Chemical Industry, and Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment. He was invited visiting scholar at Peking University and Yale University.
